Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative

What is a Home Rivers Initiative?  Well, it is a collaborative multi-year major watershed restoration effort.  What does that mean?  It means that Trout Unlimited National, (the folks you send your $35 to every year) plan to hire a full time project manager/coordinator to indentify, prioritize, and implement restoration efforts on our Rogue River for a minimum of three years.  It means you are going to be reading about the Rogue River in the national publication TROUT that you receive quarterly, and that a whole lot of effort is going to be placed on making the Rogue a better coldwater river.

Are you excited?  I hope so because we sure are.  We started down the path to making the Rogue TU National’s next Home Rivers Initiative back in the spring of 2008.  We are now so close to kicking this project off I can taste it.

Stay tuned to this blog as I will be adding more content in the near future.  In the meantime, if you have any questions please post them and I will do my best to answer.

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